It is the annual come home to St. Croix event week! In July of every year, Crucians who live abroad, those who live right here and others who have found a home on St. Croix heed the call to Come Home to St. Croix. What a better place than Food Town Supermarket to stock up on all your grocery and party products. Come in and say hi to the friendly staff and browse the isles.

This event offers a unique opportunity for residents and visitors to learn more about family history,  Hosted by the St. Croix Landmarks Society, which is the oldest preservation society organization on St. Croix. It does not matter if you are a visitor, a past or present resident, or you were born here. If you love St. Croix, then “Come Home” to learn about island life – how families lived, what they ate, how they shared love and culture.Families and groups use this opportunity to plan reunions, as the program provides diverse opportunities at which members can gather.


Event costs vary from free to a small admission fee for adults. Children are admitted free to most events when accompanied by their parents.


Please contact The St Croix Landmarks Society for information. Their website has extensive details about the events planned.
